A healthy pregnancy starts with expert prenatal care. Experienced obstetricians and medical staff help guide you through pregnancy. We provide preconception guidance, comprehensive prenatal check-ups during each trimester and any tests you and your baby may need.
If you encounter challenges during your pregnancy, our maternal fetal specialists provide advanced care and the latest in diagnostic tests and imaging. If you have type 1 or 2 diabetes or develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, they will provide the expert care you need have the healthiest pregnancy possible. Because gestatational diabetes affects 15 percent of pregnant women, we offer the Sweet Success program to help you manage your blood glucose levels and provide ongoing support through one-to-one care and small group meetings
To help support your mental health and well-being during pregnancy, many of our locations offer holistic services including massage, nutrition counseling, and childbirth and breastfeeding classes.
If your pregnancy becomes complex or high-risk, we also can refer you to a perinatologist in our community.