A diagnosis of lung cancer can be a frightening experience. At Sutter Cancer Centers, our lung and thoracic cancer specialists provide expert care to patients from testing and diagnosis through treatment and support.
We offer the full range of cancer care services, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as specialized services including:
- Lung Nodule Clinic — Our clinic offers diagnosis, treatment planning and care for patients with benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) masses found during cancer screenings.
- Mediastinoscopy — This diagnostic procedure inserts a lighted instrument in the space in the chest between the lungs, and tissue is taken from any unusual growth or lymph nodes.
- Video-Assisted Thorocoscopic (VAT) Surgery — This minimally invasive technique allows doctors to use a small incisions and a camera to see inside the chest cavity and remove masses close to the outside edges of the lung. VATS is also used during diagnosis to remove masses for testing.
- SuperDimension (SuperD) — Using electromagnetic navigation technology, our surgeons can reach lesions deep in the lungs with minimal trauma to the patient. Using the SuperD system, physicians can also biopsy the lymph nodes in the chest, staging the lung cancer without invasive surgical procedures.
- Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) — This minimally invasive procedure gives our surgery team real-time images in and around the lungs to identify difficult-to-reach tumors and obtain lymph node samples to see if the cancer has spread to other areas.
- Thermal Ablation Therapy — Using heat-generating probes inserted directly into malignant tissue, thermal ablation therapy offers localized treatment for primary and metastatic lung tumors.
- Sugarbaker Procedure — This innovative procedure combines surgery with heated chemotherapy agents to treat cancers within the abdominal cavity.