Grants are managed by a team of Post Award Grants Administrators. Grants Administrators have a combination of finance and grants administration experience. Their job is provide financial projections, to review expenses, process progress reports and financial reports to the funding agency, and assure compliance with the rules specific to the study and funding agency.
Sutter Health uses the accounting system Lawson to manage our finances. Grants are set up in accounts called “Activities” in which expenses for specific studies can be tracked separately, as is a requirement of funding agencies. Grants Administrators will arrange to have the study set up into an Activity and together with the Principal Investigator are responsible for assuring those expenses meet the criteria of allowability, allocability, and reasonableness.
There are many policies and procedures related to post award that will be posted to the website and/or are available through Policy Stat. If you have questions, please consult the Grants Administrator assigned to you, contact the PostAward Supervisor, or the Director of Grants and Contracts.