When you are free to move and choose comfortable upright positions in labor such as standing, walking, kneeling, sitting or squatting, there are many advantages. These positions also maximize gravity, helping the baby to descend as easily as possible through the pelvis. Showers in labor help promote comfort and relaxation with upright positioning to promote labor progress. Every labor room at Sutter Davis Hospital is equipped with showers that have detachable showerheads. This option allows your birth helpers to direct the shower spray for your greatest comfort. The warmth and pressure of the shower stream help promote comfort and decrease pain. You are welcome to utilize the shower for as long as you and your provider desire.
Why Is the Shower Helpful?
- Heat — Heat relaxes muscles and helps relieve discomfort.
- Water Pressure — The pressure of the water running over the laboring body can help alleviate the discomfort of contractions.
- Movement of the Water — The movement of the water over a laboring woman's body is very soothing.
- Sound of Water — The sound of running water is very relaxing. Many women find focusing on a relaxing sound during a contraction to be helpful.
- Association of the Shower with Relaxation — Many women use the shower to relax after a long day. If you do this, simply climbing into the shower during your labor may help signal your body to relax.
How to Use the Shower During Labor
- Detachable Showerhead — The detachable showerhead can be placed where most needed to relieve discomfort, usually over the upper or lower back or belly.
- Positions — You may use a variety of positions in the shower, including sitting, standing or leaning. You may bring the birthing ball into the shower to sit or squat on.
- Coach's Help — Your coach can continue to help you in the shower. They may be in the shower with you, helping you to breathe or providing massage. You may also find it helpful for your coach to provide sips of cool water or cool compresses to keep you comfortable in the shower.