Frequently Asked Questions
Is the school accredited?
Yes, our School is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
How much is the tuition for the program?
There is currently no tuition for the MPMC Radiography Program. There is also no commitment from the graduating student to work for Mills-Peninsula Medical Center after program completion.
However, students must purchase all required textbooks prior to the first week of class. MPMC requires certain books to be purchased directly from the publisher. Students must also cover fees to include personal medical coverage, CPR, and uniforms, as well as other miscellaneous fees during the 2 years.
How many students are accepted each year?
MPMC is currently accepting six students each year for the 24-month program. A description of the student selection process is listed in the Information Packet.
Is there an assessment test for the School?
Not at this time.
I graduated from college over seven years ago. Do I have to take the math prerequisites again?
Not necessarily. Keep in mind, the purpose of the math prerequisites is to ensure the incoming student has all the basic tools necessary to complete the radiology program classes. Basic algebra skills are needed for several courses – our instructors do not teach these basics. Please contact the program director for a math assessment option.
If I was not selected as a student this year, can I reapply the following year?
You may reapply. We do suggest that you improve your chances by continuing your volunteer work, continue taking courses, and applying to other programs. There are no guarantees for resubmitted applications.
I have copies of my transcripts, will you accept my copies?
No. Official transcripts must either come directly from the institution, or in a sealed envelope with your application.
Does MPMC provide a paid internship?
Are student loans available?
The MPMC School of Diagnostic Imaging is a hospital-based program, and does not have any affiliations with outside loan companies at this time because the School does not have a way to collect or distribute funds.
Does the school provide job placement after I graduate?
No. However, many of our graduates have applied and gained employment in open positions. Also, our graduates are sought out by local hospitals due to our reputation!
I am a Sutter Health employee. Will I be guaranteed a job after graduation?
No. MPMC School of Diagnostic Imaging does not guarantee any student any job or job placement after graduation. Sutter Health employees also do not have priority for placement in the program.
If you have any other questions you may contact the program director by email or phone.
Cynthia Payne, PhD, MBA, RT. R, M, CT
Program Director
Mills-Peninsula Medical Center
1501 Trousdale Drive
Burlingame, CA 94010
(650) 696-5519
(650) 696-5280 fax