When you’re suddenly in need of immediate treatment for a critical condition, such as a gunshot wound or brain injury, the trauma care team in the Sutter Health network works quickly to give you the individualized care you require.
We offer a high level of specialty care at our trauma centers, which are staffed around the clock by trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, physician specialists, trauma nurses and support staff. Our comprehensive services include helicopter medical transports, blood banks, critical care units (also called intensive care units, or ICUs), acute inpatient rehabilitation and outreach and prevention programs.
At Sutter Lakeside, our Intensive Care Unit provides continuous care and monitoring to adult and geriatric patients with (or at high risk for developing) life-threatening medical or surgical problems. All rooms are equipped with heart and blood-monitoring capabilities and are connected to an electronic ICU (eICU). With eICU technology, an off-site team of critical care doctors and nurses closely monitors your vital signs, medications, lab and X-ray results. The eICU system complements the skilled care already provided at your bedside.
Sutter Health trauma centers in Roseville, Modesto and Castro Valley are designated Level II sites, providing substantially increased care beyond typical emergency departments. These unique centers offer immediate care from specialists such as orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons and radiologists. Each trauma center is verified by the American College of Surgeons as meeting the organization’s most stringent requirements for trauma center quality.
In Northern California’s more rural communities, Sutter Coast Hospital and Sutter Lakeside Hospital serve as Level IV trauma centers, able to provide advanced trauma life support before transferring patients to a higher level trauma center.
Across the Sutter Health network, our hospitals are among the first in multi-county regions to be designated trauma centers. Many of these centers are housed in hospitals cited as top performers in quality by the Joint Commission, the nation’s leading accreditor of healthcare organizations, and the Leapfrog Group, the nation’s premier advocate of hospital transparency.