When illness strikes, patients, families and healthcare providers often face difficult and complex decisions. It is critical that any discussion about treatment options include a dialogue of one’s personal values and goals. That’s where a Clinical Ethics Consultation can help. The Program in Medicine and Human Values’ professionally trained bioethics consultants respond directly to consultation requests and provide practical recommendations regarding ethically appropriate care.
An ethics consultation can assist when:
- You’re experiencing an ethical dilemma about your care or the care of a loved one.
- You and your family or support network have conflicts around care goals.
- You or a loved one are not able to make medical decisions and have no healthcare decision maker to act on your behalf.
- You need help to identify a healthcare decision-maker proxy.
- You, your loved one or a healthcare decision maker needs support or assistance in deciding about complex treatment choices.
- You are facing a challenging healthcare situation that leads to distress or suffering.
All requests are confidential. Requestors may choose to remain anonymous.
To request a consultation, please email ethics@sutterhealth.org or use our Ethics Hotline (415) 600-3991.