To examine the following:
(1) Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence among Asians, Pacific Islander, and mixed-race Asian-Pacific Islander subpopulations.
(2) Demographic, clinical, and psychosocial factors to explain observed differences in CVD prevalence.
(3) Prevalence of secondary CVD outcomes and quality of life; demographic, clinical, and psychosocial factors explaining observed differences.
PI is Beth Waitzfelder, Ph.D., Center for Health Research at Kaiser Permanente Hawaii.
Co-PIs are (1) Stephen P. Fortmann, M.D., Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research and Stanford School of Medicine, as well as (2) Latha Palaniappan, M.D., M.S., Stanford School of Medicine.
Site PI and Co-Investigator is Sukyung Chung, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
External PI, Principal Investigator
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute