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Understand Your Cancer Risk
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Disease Prevention Topics
Ask an Expert
Arfan Din, D.O.
Sutter Medical Foundation
What kind of health precautions should be taken before traveling to South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)?
Travel advice comes up often for us in primary care medicine. Health issues can arise in many places that are very different from what we face in the USA. My advice:See your primary care doctor as they are well... continue reading about What kind of health precautions should be taken before traveling to South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Breast cancer runs in my family (mother). Should I get a mammogram earlier than 40?
This is a complicated question and involves both assessment of your actual risk, then consideration of how that should inform your screening process. Consult with your doctor to calculate your actual risk, base... continue reading about Breast cancer runs in my family (mother). Should I get a mammogram earlier than 40?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I'm volunteering with a medical/dental mission to Cambodia. I'm concerned about the incidence of TB, and if I'm infected, how soon I could tell? I work closely with children and don't want to expose them to TB after my return. Should I be tested?
Most people infected with tuberculosis (TB) never get an active infection, which is when it is contagious from one person to the other. Those infected usually develop latent TB, which means that the bacteria li... continue reading about I'm volunteering with a medical/dental mission to Cambodia. I'm concerned about the incidence of TB, and if I'm infected, how soon I could tell? I work closely with children and don't want to expose them to TB after my return. Should I be tested?
Ruwan Kiringoda, M.D.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
What can I do to prevent hearing loss as I get older? I have a family history of hearing loss and wonder if I can do anything to avoid it.
Hearing loss is not always inevitable for everyone. There are many factors that contribute to hearing loss and aging. The most common is noise exposure over many years. Noise exposure can be as slight as workin... continue reading about What can I do to prevent hearing loss as I get older? I have a family history of hearing loss and wonder if I can do anything to avoid it.
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I am experiencing bleeding when I floss or brush my teeth. I recently switched to an electric toothbrush. What can I do to prevent the bleeding?
I'm glad that you asked. Gum bleeding after brushing or flossing is a common concern. Gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums, is the most common cause of bleeding gums. Other symptoms of gingivitis may include... continue reading about I am experiencing bleeding when I floss or brush my teeth. I recently switched to an electric toothbrush. What can I do to prevent the bleeding?
Rodman S. Rogers, M.D.
SPMF San Francisco HMO Network
I was recently diagnosed with a kidney stone, but my doctor thinks it will pass on its own without treatment. What is a kidney stone, and is there anything I can do to prevent getting them again?
Kidney stones form in several ways but typically start as crystals that form in concentrated urine. So one thing everyone can do to help prevent stones is to drink extra liquids (to produce 2.5 liters of urine ... continue reading about I was recently diagnosed with a kidney stone, but my doctor thinks it will pass on its own without treatment. What is a kidney stone, and is there anything I can do to prevent getting them again?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I've heard urinary tract infections (UTIs) are getting harder to treat. Why is this and who's at risk of developing one?
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common infections doctors treat. More than half of women living in the United States will get a UTI at some point in their lives. Urinary tract infections are caused... continue reading about I've heard urinary tract infections (UTIs) are getting harder to treat. Why is this and who's at risk of developing one?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I take ibuprofen daily for back problems, but I read recently that sometimes it can cause hearing loss. Is this true, and how much would you need to take to cause this to happen?
I read several studies that seem to link increased risk of hearing loss to use of NSAIDS (ibuprofen is an NSAID). It is important to understand that there is an increase RISK of hearing loss in both women and m... continue reading about I take ibuprofen daily for back problems, but I read recently that sometimes it can cause hearing loss. Is this true, and how much would you need to take to cause this to happen?
Francine A. Yep, M.D.
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Alta Bates Campus
At what age should I have a pneumonia vaccination? Thank you!
The pneumonia vaccine helps protect you from S. pneumoniae, a bacterial germ that causes serious lung infections like pneumonia as well as blood infections and meningitis. It protects you from the most common t... continue reading about At what age should I have a pneumonia vaccination? Thank you!
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