Limiting Sodium intake is especially important for South Asians with high blood pressure (salt is sodium chloride). To take some salt out of your diet, follow these guidelines:
- Use less than two grams (2400 mgs) of sodium per day. (For reference, one teaspoon of salt contains 2,000 mgs of sodium):
- Allow about 140 mg sodium per serving for low-sodium item
- Allow up to 500-600 mg sodium per meal
- Use liberal amounts of herbs, spices, lemon juice and flavored vinegars to reduce salt in recipes.
- Read labels and look up nutrition facts on websites to identify hidden sources of salt:
- The majority of salt consumed is from restaurants and prepackaged convenience foods
- Most of our sodium is coming from packages and meals out:
- 77 percent dietary sodium comes from processed foods, 12 percent exists in whole, unprocessed foods, 5 percent cooking, 6 percent shaker
- By emphasizing fresh fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and natural foods prepared from ho me, it is easy to stick with these guidelines!