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Prenatal Trimester Checklist
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Do’s and Don’ts During Pregnancy
Check this list of do’s and don’ts for what to do or avoid during pregnancy.
Ask an Expert
Jill D. Foley, M.D., FACOG
Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation
I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis. How does this affect me if my husband and I want to have a baby? How much chance do I have of getting pregnant?
Adenomyosis refers to a condition where endometrial glands and connective tissue are present within the muscle layer of the uterus. This results in hyperplasia, or overgrowth, of the uterine muscle layer and a ... continue reading about I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis. How does this affect me if my husband and I want to have a baby? How much chance do I have of getting pregnant?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I've heard that you can't get pregnant during your period. Is this just an old wives tale? Should I be concerned about protection during this time?
You can get pregnant only around the time of ovulation, which for most women with regular 28-day cycles corresponds to days 12-16. So if your period comes at the expected time and is normal in terms of flow, it... continue reading about I've heard that you can't get pregnant during your period. Is this just an old wives tale? Should I be concerned about protection during this time?
P. Adam Dodd, M.D.
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
I've been trying to conceive for three months now and no luck. Is something wrong with me?
No, you don't need to be worried yet. Seventy percent of all couples trying to have a baby don't conceive within the first three months. The standard would normally be to have a medical evaluation after 12 mont... continue reading about I've been trying to conceive for three months now and no luck. Is something wrong with me?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
While pregnant, should I "eat for two?"
No. It is a myth that a pregnant woman must "eat for two." Although pregnancy increases the body's need for calories and nutrition, the amounts of calories or specific nutrients you need are NOT doubled. About ... continue reading about While pregnant, should I "eat for two?"
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I want to have a natural birth. What are some reasons my doctor might recommend I have a C-section delivery?
A natural labor and delivery, with a normal vaginal birth, is the ideal for most women. However it may not be possible for some. A C-section, or surgical birth, delivers the baby through an incision in the abdo... continue reading about I want to have a natural birth. What are some reasons my doctor might recommend I have a C-section delivery?
Robert Altman, M.D.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Does recovery time after a C-section differ from a vaginal birth?
Yes, the recovery time for C-section births is generally longer than that of vaginal births. For example, time in the hospital for vaginal births is generally between one to two days. On the other hand, C-secti... continue reading about Does recovery time after a C-section differ from a vaginal birth?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
How can I get relief from morning sickness?
Morning sickness is one of the most common complaints in pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of the day, despite its name. It usually resolves after 16 weeks of pregnancy. Here are some tips to... continue reading about How can I get relief from morning sickness?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while. Are there any non-medical approaches, such as relaxation or meditation techniques, that could improve my chances of becoming pregnant?
That question is best answered at an individual level. Infertility can be the result of a number of impairments of varying nature and severity. For this reason, we recommend a basic evaluation and individualize... continue reading about My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while. Are there any non-medical approaches, such as relaxation or meditation techniques, that could improve my chances of becoming pregnant?
Deborah Quinn-Chen, M.D.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a normal part of life. During pregnancy a woman is not sick or fragile. It is true there are some restrictions in foods and activities, but for the most part women are encouraged to live a healthy,... continue reading about Is it okay to have sex during pregnancy?
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