Appearance is always a big issue for kids your age. Your body is changing, so things seem out of sorts at times and you feel less attractive.
Also, during this time, you may begin to wear glasses or braces – which can make you feel “different” from the rest of your friends. Then, of course, there are television and magazine versions of “perfect people” that cloud how we think of ourselves.
Just remember, however, there is no one “perfect person model” because we are all different, and that difference makes us special. It can be hard to keep that in mind since so many people try to tell us what is attractive, but it’s true.
One way to feel better about yourself at those times is through good grooming and hygiene skills. The word “hygiene” comes from the Greek, meaning “the art of health”—conditions and practices that serve to promote or preserve good health.
Clean hair, showering or bathing, and taking care of your skin, teeth and nails can improve your outlook on life and actually help to keep you healthy.