Sutter EAP offers additional resources to Managers and Teams including: EAP Informational Sessions, Critical Incident Planning and Response, Consultations, Formal and Information Employee Referrals, etc.
EAP counselors are trained to consult with managers and supervisors to address a variety of workplace issues including: troubled employees, workplace group dynamics, substance abuse or a suicidal team member.
EAP Informational Sessions
Our counselors will go to your work site and give a 15 minute presentation of the EAP services and benefits available to your employees during a staff meeting.
Critical Incident Reponse Planning and Deployment
Critical incidents can include a variety of events that affect your work group such as injury or death of a co-worker or patient, violence in the workplace, robberies or verbal and/or physical assault. Sutter EAP provides Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) when requested and authorized by management.
Formal/Informal Referrals
As a manager or supervisor you can refer an employee to the EAP program for services. Managers and supervisors should coordinate their actions with human resources personnel and go through the formal management referral process. You may remind your employee of their EAP benefits as an informal referral.
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