Valerie J. Spier, MPH, R.D., CDE
Diabetes Educator
- Medical Affiliations
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
- Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group
Practice Locations
Credentials & Notables
- Education:
MPH Nutrition, Loma Linda University, graduated with honors; B.A. Biological Sciences, California State University, Fullerton
- Licensure and Special Certification:
Certified Diabetes Educator, Registered Dietitian, Certified Insulin Pump Trainer, Certified Continuous Glucose Monitor System, Certified in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Certified Diabetes Technology Clinician, Certified Program Coordinator
- Primary Language(s)
Practice Information
Valerie splits her time between PAMF and as an employee of Sutter Health, working for the Office of Patient Experience. She leads the Diabetes Clinical Improvement Community in efforts to improve the health of persons with diabetes, and practices within Sutter that involve caring for these individuals. Half of this position entails the role of Program Coordinator for SHIDEN (Sutter Health Integrated Diabetes Education Network) which is accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. This group includes 14 different affiliates and approximately 85 diabetes educators from Watsonville up to Lake County.
Additional Information
Community Activities
American Association of Diabetes Educators
Personal Interests
In her spare time, you can find Ms. Spier enjoying the great outdoors on a mountain or road bike, on a trail somewhere running or hiking or leisurely identifying birds and flowers in a quiet locale.
Philosophy of Care
I believe in the whole body approach to wellness and take an active interest in current research and trends. My aim is to work with the individual to develop a plan of action that best fits for them and their circumstances, using my expertise to support our course of treatment.
Ask an Expert
Are there some types of fruit that are better for me to eat since I have diabetes?
Enjoy any type of fruit you like but try to follow these three rules:Limit yourself to one serving during a meal or snack.A serving is the amount that would have 15 grams of carbohydrate, about as big as a tenn... continue reading about Are there some types of fruit that are better for me to eat since I have diabetes?
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