Sometimes a C-section is unavoidable, but you can improve your odds of having a natural birth. Here are a few tips that may help a mother with a normal pregnancy avoid needing a C-section delivery:
- Attend a birthing class, learn coping techniques, and explore what may be the most comfortable positions for you during labor.
- Ask your caregiver what options you have if your baby is in the breech position (head up, not down toward the cervix). Sometimes, the baby can be turned and a C-section birth can be avoided.
- When you start having contractions, stay at home, stay well hydrated, walk around, take a bath or shower, and wait for contractions to come closer together. The best situation is to arrive at the hospital in active labor! Come to the hospital when you are in active labor, and not earlier.
- Once you are admitted, practice all you learned in birthing class. Bring your music, maybe your own pillow, and also bring a beloved object from home - a picture of your dog or your loved one, anything that you can use as a focal point during contractions.
- Ask questions of your caregiver as your labor progresses. Stay informed about your condition and the condition of your baby.
- Be patient, wait for labor, as long as it is safe. Remember you are entering one of the most exciting events in life!